2020年3月3日、FacebookページAisia Nowに、欧米での東洋人に対する深刻な人種差別により、負傷した若者の話が投稿された。
…Last Monday, at roughly 9.15pm on Oxford Street in London, I walked past a group of young men, when I saw one of them look at me (just as he walked past me) and said something to me, which I could make out the word ‘coronavirus’.
月曜(3月2日)の21時15分ごろ、ロンドンのオクスフォードストリートで、若者のグループとすれ違いました。連中の一人が私を見ると、何か言いました。確かに「コロナウイルス」と聞こえました。I was stunned and turned around to have a look at the man made the statement. He was still staring at me as he walked past and realised I was looking at him.
He shouted ‘Don’t you dare look at me, you __’ (I could not catch the last word because of the accent).
Within 3 seconds, he was in my face, together with 3/4 other young men, and a young lady (all of whom seemed no older than 20 years old, but were all more than a head taller than me).
次の瞬間、彼とその仲間の男たちと若い女性が私の目の前に来ていました(おそらく、みな10代だったと思います)。I was shocked and angry because he directed a racist remark at me and had the audacity to shout at me like I had wronged him.
私はショックを受け、怒りを覚えました。彼は、私が何か悪いことをしたかのように、大きな声で私に怒鳴りつけるのですから。All of a sudden, the first punch was swung at my face and took me by surprise.
突然、私は顔面にパンチをくらいました。不意打ちでした。When I was still shocked by the first hit, the guy delivered the second sucker punch.
By then, a few passers-by had stopped and one of them tried to reason with them that 4 on 1 was not fair.
The attacker’s friend tried to swing a kick at me as I was explaining to the passer-by that I hadn’t done anything at all.
I tried to react in self-defence but couldn’t do anything substantial because I was still recovering from a broken finger in my master hand.
自己防衛を取ろうとしましたが、特に何もできませんでした。私は利き腕の指を骨折していて、まだそれが治っていませんでしたので。The guy who tried to kick me then said, ‘I don’t want your coronavirus in my country’, before swinging another sucker punch at me, which resulted in my face exploding with blood (from my nose), where the blood was splattered all across the pavement.
私を蹴ろうとした男は、このようなセリフを私に浴びせたのです。「おまえのコロナウイルスをオレの国に持ち込むな」。そのとき、別の男が私を殴り、私の顔は血だらけになりました。あたりは私の血で染まっていました。Still in daze and shock, the group left promptly from the scene before the police arrived.
私は放心状態でした。そして、連中は警察が到着する前には既に立ち去っていました。Following the incident, I followed up with a visit to the A&E and I was told that I had suffered a few fractures in my face and might need to undergo reconstructive surgery to fix some of the bones.
Facebook page, Asia Now: https://www.facebook.com/Asianowdaily/posts/1109087522787052?__tn__=K-R
投稿の最後には、[To the kind lady who helped videotape the incident and call the police, if you read this, please contact me I would like to have a copy of the video! Thank you!](ビデオ撮影して警察を呼んでくれた、あのときの女性へ。これを読んだらぜひ連絡してください。ビデオのコピーを送っていただきたいです。よろしくお願いいたします!)と書かれている。