
2020年2月26日、英語圏のための掲示板サイトRedditに、ショッキングな投稿がみられた。その投稿のタイトルは『AITA for having my 9 year old nephew arrested for stealing my wallet?』(サイフを盗んだ罰に、9歳のおいを逮捕に追い込んだのはやりすぎか)であった。(ちなみに、AITAは「Am I that asshole」「おれってそんなにクソ野郎かな」の意味)


  • 妹が自分の都合で、こちらの同意なしで彼女の9歳の息子の世話を押しつけるために家に送り込んでくる。
  • この息子はお世辞にも良い子とは言えず、以前から悪いいたずらにうんざりしていた。
  • 今回はサイフを盗まれたが、開き直った態度で対処に困り果てた。そのとき、妹に迎えにくるように連絡したが、妹はこれを拒否。
  • 仕方がないので、サイフを返さないなら警察を呼ぶと言ったが、この息子は真剣に受け止めなかった。
  • 本当に警察に連絡したら、警察が来て、この子どもに手錠をかけてパトカーに乗せた。


My sister has a 9 year old son ,who I will call J. He has a terrible attitude, and my sister has a very bad habit of dropping J off at my doorstep for me to babysit him without any notice whatsoever.

She did this again this weekend, probably because she was going out with her friends. I heard the doorbell ring, and by the time I got to the door, J was standing there and my sister drove away. So I let him in.

After a while, I noticed that the wallet that was sitting by the bedside table was missing. I asked J if he knew where it went, to which he smugly replied “You can’t prove that I stole the wallet!”, which means he obviously stole it. I told him that he needs to hand it over immediately, and he continued to be smug about it. So I called my sister and told her to come pick him up. She refused, and said that I need to deal with him myself.

I have had many prior incidents with J, so this was my last straw. I told him that if he doesn’t hand it over, I will call the police. He thought I was kidding, so I just went ahead and called them. He apparently still believed that I was kidding even after I called them, because he only started freaking out when the cops pulled into the driveway. At this point, J was sobbing uncontrollably. He handed over my wallet, and started begging me for forgiveness. I told him that he’ll have to wait for the cops to come in.

When the cops came in, I explained the situation to them. I told them that he stole my wallet which I got back, and that his mom needs to come pick him up and that she refuses to do so. I asked them to take J until his mom comes, so they handcuffed him, put him in the back seat of the cop car, and called my sister to come pick him up. They were very gentle with him, and he was not hurt.

About 20 minutes later, my sister showed up. She started crying and screaming at me, and was acting so erratically that the cops had to tell her to behave herself and threatened to arrest her. Eventually, my sister took J and drove home.

She cried to all of our family members about it, and I have been receiving many angry messages from them. I have gone NC with my sister, and thankfully I don’t think she’ll be dropping J off at my house any longer.

I feel that I was justified because I never agreed to babysit J, my sister refused to pick him up, and there was nothing I could do apart from putting my hands on him and digging through his pockets, which I won’t do.

Reddit AITA for having my 9 year-old nephew arrested for stealing my wallet?: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/f9qhaz/aita_for_having_my_9_year_old_nephew_arrested_for/




